Update on the CXP
Thanks to the new forums, and an enthusiastic attitude from all content contributers, development on the CXP has resumed after only a slight hiccup. I have set a submission deadline of July 31st for all CXP content. In addition, I will keep an updated Master Content List for the CXP to make tracking content versions much easier. I will now be assuming a role equivalent to a Bittorrent Tracker; seeing who has what content and maintaining a master list of everything. However, it will be up to the individual developers to coordinate on issues as there will be no real head of the entire development effort (unless someone steps up). Outlaw will be managing the mappers, and I might get another CXP developer to manage the skinners if need be.
If everyone plays their cards right, we should have polished, release-ready content in the Master List by the end of July. After that, I will do very basic bug testing of all the submitted content, weeding out serious functionality errors but not going in too deep. I will then package up everything by mid August and release it to a small testing group to make sure it works without major issues. We hope to release the CXP to the public before the end of August. No concrete date can really be set at this time. To keep up with the latest CXP development work and Project-related discussion, the forums are still your best bet. I won't have time to post progress updates here very often. I will still attempt to post current screenshots and the like, but as for development news, refer to the board. With any luck, we should be able to pull this off. I have confidence in our community. We'll get this done one way or another. 0 Comments
Posted on 22 Jun 2005 by CaptainValor
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