Sunday, June 5th

Submitted by
As of 7/16/2005
Downloads Section Added
I've been hard at work on the website lately, and I've just finished the new Downloads Section. This will be the main area for screenshots, meshes, and eventually the converted maps. Right now the Halo PC multiplayer level meshes are up for download. Screenshots will be soon to follow.
Posted on 23 Apr 2004 by CaptainValor
Now you too can support Torlan on your site
Simply add the following html string to your cluster of small site links:

(a_href="")(img src="")(/a)

Replace the "(" and ")" with "<" and ">" and change the underscore in the "a href" tag to a space. The end result will look like this...

Posted on 22 Apr 2004 by CaptainValor
We have news!
That's right, I've just now finished installing and customizing Torlan's full-fledged php news posting system. From now on I'll be giving you progress updates on the project here. And, if you so desire, you can post comments on the news messages. Feedback is greatly appreciated.
Posted on 21 Apr 2004 by CaptainValor
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The name "Torlan" and ONS-Torlan are copyright Streamline Studios/Hourences. The games and content featured here are copyright
Microsoft, Gearbox, Bungie Studios, Epic Games, and Atari.