Sunday, June 5th

Submitted by
As of 7/16/2005
Nexus CBP Release Date Set
The Project Nexus CBP is coming along very nicely, and we have now set a tentative release date of May 31st for the pack. All CBP content should be 99% complete by mid-May so that any major bugs can be dealt with before the release. We have made a similar announcement about the release date and CBP info in a thread on the Atari Forums.
Posted on 05 Apr 2005 by CaptainValor
A Quick Recap
Since we lost of all our recent news, I'd like to recap a couple of the major announcements that were made just before the site went dark...

- Nexus Community Bonus Pack

Project Torlan is gathering a number of Halo-themed user-created works into the Project Nexus CBP, which will include mainly maps and skins created by our fans. We're assembling screenshots of these creations in the CBP Works in Progress section. You can also follow the progress of the CBP in the official forum.

- Torlan Picture of the Moment

Another recent feature I've added to the site is the Torlan PotM. Users may submit pictures according to the guidelines and every Wednesday and Sunday I will pick a new PotM. Be creative and witty. This is your chance to be featured on the front page!
Posted on 01 Apr 2005 by CaptainValor
Restoration is Complete, Now For the Fun Part...
Well, my estimates were way off, thank goodness. The initial restoration of the site is complete. Now I'd like everyone that has a little free time to crawl the site looking for broken links and 404's. Whenever you find one, post a comment listing the page on which you found it, along with the full directory path that the file should have. This will allow me to both name the file correctly and restore it to the proper location.

Thanks, guys!
Posted on 31 Mar 2005 by CaptainValor
We're Back!
Well, we are finally back on the new server after being out for almost three weeks. Everyone here owes a HUGE debt of gratitude to Steve over at for spending several stressful hours every day these last 2 weeks in the effort to get this server back up. From everyone here at Project Torlan, THANK YOU, STEVE!

The site restoration is still ongoing, but over half of it is done already. The entire site should be restored by tonight. If, after that, you see any dead links or missing images anywhere, please let me know and I will fix them right away.

Still, it's a great feeling to be back in business 100% again...
Posted on 31 Mar 2005 by CaptainValor
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The name "Torlan" and ONS-Torlan are copyright Streamline Studios/Hourences. The games and content featured here are copyright
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